Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Fast Roller-Coaster sort of a day

An incredibly busy day today - one of the busiest I think since I "retired". Up at 6.30 a.m. and cooked Tom's breakfast and made tea as normal. I then had to drive into Salisbury for an early morning appointment with Ann, my dentist, to have a small cavity filled in one of my upper teeth. Having an injection meant that my upper lip remained swollen for most of the morning but it didn't prevent me from calling in at Caffe Nero to dribble a latte coffee and read The Times. It was interesting to read that The Kings Speech was expected to receive 14 BAFTA nominations - and so it should! Back home for about five minutes with a quick chat to Sara and then I walked up Gunville Hill to Richard's to attend the Church's Standing Committee meeting to set the Parochial Church Council agenda for next week. A meeting which I had been informed was likely only to take half an hour to an hour lasted two! Should expect this by now! I returned home by way of Rosemary's (to get a cheque of hers for her bible study material amended) and had some smoked haddock chowder for lunch with Sara. I then drove up to the Rectory for an important meeting with Nils, the Team Rector, which lasted just under an hour but which proved to be very fruitful and thought-provoking and left me feeling very positive and focused. This afternoon, when I got back, we learned that Tom had been attacked by another boy at school over an incident which I will not record here but which has given Sara and I some cause for concern - why is it that whenever you are feeling on a high something comes along to bring you back down again? Tonight, Janet C looked after the kids whilst Sara and I drove to Stoford on the Salisbury-Warminster Road to attend the Ambassadors' "Christmas" Dinner. A really lovely evening with good food and excellent company. A lot of laughs too. My mind is buzzing at the moment as I write up this blog at 2.30 a.m. What a day it has been!

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