Sunday, January 30, 2011

Team Service at Whiteparish

I woke early this morning (around 6.30 a.m.) but didn't really feel like getting out of bed because it was so cold. I made tea for Sara and myself and got back into bed. Neither of the children were stirring which is hardly surprising as Tom had a long day with me at the football match and Mary was with Sara until late babysitting for some neighbours who had gone to the village Burn's Night thrash at the Village Hall. Today there was no service at either of the village churches but a Team Eucharist at Whiteparish. As the only one up and breakfasted (grilled bacon and mushrooms) I set off at around 9.40 a.m. to drive the five miles or so over Dean Hill to Whiteparish. I followed two cars over the hill containing some of the Winterslow parishioners and the church was pretty full by the time I arrived. I sat at the back with Spohie from West Dean and the new ordinand. The service was quite long containing the re-commissioning of the the Lay Pastoral Assistants and the signing of the training contract for the new ordinand. I had some lovely chats with people after the service and must say I really did enjoy the whole service. After a lovely chat to Maggie D and Lucy N, I returned home thinking that we were all going over to Southampton this afternoon to meet up with our Titanic friends, Dave and Sue, who were having a stall at the Novotel Transport Fayre. However, when I got home I discovered that Sara had phoned Sue, to wake her up in fact, to be told that the Fayre was next week! Slightly disappointed but it did mean that we had the afternoon to ourselves and could have a traditional Sunday roast at home - chicken with all the trimmings. Tonight I was really tired and after watching a TV documentary about UFO abductions went to bed at the ridiculously early time (for me) of 10 p.m. I read for a little while before falling into a deep sleep (I didn't hear Sara come in). I must have been incredibly tired. I have a very long day tomorrow as I am attending a meeting in Brighton tomorrow night and won't be back until quite late.

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